Wednesday, November 12, 2008

LCD Price Fixing - LG, Sharp and Chunghwa Fined

This make me glad that I buy Sony. Well Vizio.

Years of investigating has finally came up with something. LG, Sharp and Chunghwa have admitted to participating in a cartel between 2001 and 2006 that fixed prices of LCD screens. The Justice Department has ordered the companies pony up $580 million in fines—$400 million from LG, $120 million from Sharp and $65 million from Chunghwa. But where are the fines going to go? I think they should repay every consumer purchase through that time myself.

Justice Department say these price fixing schemes specifically targeted TFT-LCD panels sold to Dell , Motorola, and Apple. So, by screwing them they screwed us all. So that should mean that the prices for these retailers should come down within the following weeks as well right?

I wouldn't think so. Just like Gas prices. YOu see the price of Oil come down, but it will be a week or two before you see it come down at the pumps. But they sure are high the next day when the price goes up. I think this will be the same situation myself.

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