Thursday, November 13, 2008

George Foreman Fryer

Looks like another new Product from the former Boxer. George Foreman is coming out with another kitchen appliance, the George Foreman Lean Mean Fryer.

The "lean" in this frying machine is Smart Spin technology that removes oil after frying. Now that is pretty nifty if you ask me. To bad they can't do that for every kind of food, not just for grilling or frying.

The company says the fryer removes 55% of the fat that is absorbed during frying by spinning it out. But where is the taste. that means 55% of the taste is gone. I am just kidding of course. I don't even like gravy.

The deep fryer retails for $149.99. Ouch That is a hit in my pocket though. I don't think I will be getting this little gadget.

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