Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Burger King Cologne Body Spray: Want To Smell Like A Juicy Burger?

I don't think that I am going to buy Burger King cologne. It reminds me of the Family Guy where Peter got Body spray for sick cats. Why would you want to smell liked cooked dead meat? If you wanted to smell like that then go work in a butchers shop with Paulie. I think it is kind of weird and some people will buy it for the shock value. All though I can see the advantage if you are a chubby chaser. It will be like shooting fish in a barrell now with the burger king cologne.

by Jack Ryan

Have you always wanted to smell like a hot juicy burger from Burger King? Burger King is making that dream come true without you have to rub those burgers on yourself. Burger King is attacking the fashion world with it's new men's body spray called "Flame".

Now forgive me for thinking this is a bit weird, but I want to meet the people of Burger King who came up with this idea. I suppose it's not too bad considering how many times we smell others and they smell like crap. Maybe they will smell like burgers now, personally if a woman wore this she probably wouldn't be able to get rid of me.

Now if you've ever been jealous of the delicious smelling burgers, now all you need is some ketchup and two buns and your set. Cheese Optional for extra greatness. For just 4 dollars from New York you can start off your day with the smell of delicious burgers.

1 comment:

Leona Raisin said...

Since you mentioned Family Guy in your post, you might be interested in this TV Anagram Game: Peter + Lois + Chris + Meg + Stewie = The [Fig Fern] Family. Play today's TV game.